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Cycle To Serve

Sat May 11, 2019 Lenoir, NC 28645 US Directions


309 Main St NW
Lenoir, NC US 28645


Cycle to Serve is hosted by the Rotary Club of Lenoir. 

Time:  8:30am; Registration begins at 7:00am

Make Note: New Start Area is the Same as Finish Line Area!

Registration: Anything Office 309 Main St NW, Lenoir, NC 

Ride Begins:  Anything Office 309 Main st  in Downtown Lenoir, NC

Distance:  25 miles, 40 miles, and 100k (62.25 miles)

The mission of Lenoir Rotary Club is to serve the community.   Lenoir Rotary Club has served this community since 1930 and continues to be involved in many different service projects.  All proceeds from this ride will be used for the Rotary Club’s charitable program.   Some of these projects include:


·         Providing a Christmas party and gifts for 70 disadvantaged children,

·         Tutoring and helping provide dictionaries for every third grader in the Caldwell County Schools, 

·         Providing lunch for the Special Olympics, 

·         Sponsoring a Little League baseball team, 

·         Sending three students to the Rotary Youth Leadership camp, 

·         Funding over $7,000 in educational scholarships.

Online Registration and support by Racing Toes.  (chip timed event)

Awards will be given to the first place rider in each distance.  The winner will receive a homemade cake and lots of love and praise from the crowd.

A complimentary meal will be provided to all riders after the event.  There will be music and other entertainment at the finish line.  This a great ride to enjoy or just to use for training, so come out and enjoy the beautiful scenary.

For course maps and more race information visit: 

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