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Exceptional Strides for Exceptional Students 5K

Sat May 17, 2025 Pittsboro, NC 27312 US Directions

Exceptional Strides for Exceptional Students 5K

Donation Goal: $10,000

Our goal for our first year of the Exceptional Strides for Exceptional Students 5K is to raise funds to purchase additional specialized curriculum to support the best instruction possible for our students.  You can make a difference by signing up for the race, sponsoring, and/or donating. Your participation will help to ensure students in our community have access to high quality, evidence based instructional materials directly aligned with their needs.  100% of proceeds go directly to benefit students; think of the positive impact this will have on our students and their families!


Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$20 Raised By 1 Donor

$20 on behalf of Ashley Tillett

Donation Attribution

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