Yes! I would like to be a business sponsor. Please check one of the boxes below...
Red level - $25 donation
Your company will be thanked via social media and will be listed on the “red” sign at the race.
Orange level - $50 donation
Your company will be thanked via social media and will be listed on the “orange” sign at the race.
Yellow level - $100 donation
Your company will be thanked via social media and will be listed on the banner at the race.
Green level - $200 donation
In addition to being thanked on social media, your company name will be on the banner, and displayed throughout the course.
Blue level - $300 donation
In addition to being thanked on social media, your company name will be on the banner, and you will sponsor a game/activity.
Indigo level - $400 donation
In addition to being thanked on social media, your company name will be on the banner, and you will sponsor a water station.
Violet level - $500 donation
In addition to being thanked on social media, your company name will be on the banner, and, and you will sponsor a color station.