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Maddie's Miles

Sat October 5, 2024 Winston-Salem, NC 27205 US Directions

Maddie's Miles

Donation Goal: $5,000

Donations will go to support local non-profit groups like Phoenix Rising of Winston Salem, Inc, a non-profit group whose mission is to battle addiction by supporting local drug courts; funding treatment; and launching awareness campaigns so that no more lives will be lost to addiction and accidental overdose deaths


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$5,000 Raised By 28 Donors

$1,500 from Anonymous
$1,000 in memory of In memory of Richard Boyd
$520 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Maddie
$200 on behalf of Charles Plunkett
$200 on behalf of Sandi Tongel
$125 in memory of Jared Weicht
$100 on behalf of Alison's Jester
$100 on behalf of Barbara McCann
$100 on behalf of Cindy Lain
$100 on behalf of Kim Phillips
$100 in support of Peter & Mary Smith
$100 in memory of Richard Boyd
$100 on behalf of Sherry Norton
$75 in support of Andrea Catroppa
$50 in honor of Claudia Marini
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Tallant
$50 on behalf of Wallace Foster
$50 on behalf of Wendy Walker
$40 from Anonymous
$35 on behalf of Chip Womick
$30 on behalf of Matt Smidt
$25 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Anne Manor
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Reba Slivka
$20 on behalf of Rose Beeninga

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