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Annual Heritage Days 5 & 10K Run/Alliance Band Parents Fun Run

Sat July 18, 2020 Alliance, NE 69301 US Directions



7:30AM MDT - 9:00AM MDT


7:30AM MDT - 9:00AM MDT

Kids 400 Fun Run

7:15AM MDT - 7:30AM MDT

2 Mile Walk

7:30AM MDT - 9:00AM MDT

Race Cancelled due to COVID-19 Restrictions!

Unfortunately there were just too many hurdles to overcome in order to safely manage this race this year. We may attempt a FUN RUN this fall. Hopefully, we will be able to have a safe and properly prepared run during Heritage Days next year. Stay tuned for updates throughout the year. Thank You 


12th & Niobrara
Alliance, NE US 69301


BACK @ THE TRACK!!! We are bigger and better this year and are excited to return to our new track as the start and end points for our Kid's fun run, 2 mile Walk, 5K, and 10K Runs.  Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to ensure a T-Shirt.  Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners in each age division and overall Men's & Women's division.  Additional prizes provided by our sponsors will also be available.

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