Prevention Plus of Burlington County is proud to host the 2nd Annual Lace Up Against Stigma 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk in partnership with the Lenape High School SADD club and Lenape High School Wellness Center.
The goal of this event is to reduce and eliminate stigmatized thinking around substance use disorder and mental health issues. A stigma free approach empowers individuals and family members to access the care and support they deserve without shame or guilt. Proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit Burlington County community members by helping fund evidence-based prevention education programs throughout the county. Prevention Plus will also make a donation to the Lenape SADD Club in support of their efforts to encourage healthy decision making among youth.
We are very excited to host this Family Fun Run/Walk. Join us to support your fitness, crush your goals, or just have fun running or walking and at the same time help us Lace Up Against Stigma and support mental health and substance use disorder recovery!