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Infinite Love Tutu Trot 5K Run/Walk

Sat May 31 - Sun June 1, 2025

Infinite Love Tutu Trot 5K Run/Walk

Donation Goal: $100,000

Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 (again!) for the Children's Brain Tumor Network based at CHOP!  There are 3 main ways we raise money with this event:
  1. from sign-up fees,
  2. from donations, and
  3. from business sponsorships.
Your registration fee is just the first bit of good you can do for this race. Donations make up a BIG chunk of the money we raise... a trotter's sign up fee makes us ~$17-$28 after costs, but a trotter who signs up AND gets others to donate could up their impact by 5x, 10x, or more! 💥 💪 If we have 500 trotters sign up, and each of them were able to raise just $150 in donations, that would be $75k right there!
Every Tutu Trot participant automatically gets a personal fundraising page to help us collect donations -- after you register, please take that step to share your page and really increase the impact that YOU have on our grand total!
Want to join a Trot Team to pool your fundraising?  You can join an already existing one from the drop-down list below 👇 , OR you can create your own new Trot Team and ask others to join! 
Want to add a donation to kickstart your fundraising? You can increase your impact by making a tax-deductible donation as part of your registration/check-out process right now -- just select the amount you want to donate below👇.


“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” - Ryunosuke Satoro
THANK YOU for coming together with us to make waves in the world of childhood cancer! ❤️ 


Raised of $100,000


Top Donors

$555 Raised By 4 Donors

$500 on behalf of Mia McCaffrey
$25 on behalf of Andrea Gorsegner
$20 on behalf of Kelly Ginand
$10 on behalf of In Memory of Kendall Bresocnik <3 The Domashinskis

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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