The Joe Suriano Memorial Athletic Scholarship
Joe Suriano, or better known as “Coach”, gave his service, guidance, friendship, and joy to the students,
parents, and administrators of West Orange High School for over 40 years. His caring and compassion
elevated individuals to achieve things they may not have achieved without Coach. His dedication and
commitment to his students and athletes, created some of this nation’s best and brightest, along with having
the respect and admiration of his community.
The Joe Suriano Memorial Athletic Scholarship sponsored by the Joe Suriano Memorial Track & Field
Invitational (Held May 9, 2021. This scholarship awards two (one male, one female) scholarships to Senior
Varsity Athletes, including Cheerleaders and Team Managers, who have contributed in a positive manner to
the WOHS Athletics and the school.
These scholarships are a one time grant, designated to assist student athletes pursuing further education. The
scholarships are intended to recognize outstanding graduating Student-Athletes of West Orange High School.
A point system will be used to score each applicant. The male and female Student-Athletes with the highest
scores will be awarded scholarships.