The Tyburn Academy Crusaders will hold their 1st annual Crusaders United Color Run to support the United Way of Cayuga County and Tyburn Academy. Half of the proceeds from the event will be donated to the United Way with the designation of proceeds to be used for the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy. Tyburn Academy, a small private Catholic School in Auburn, N.Y., fosters a community rich in the Gospel spirit of service and charity. As such, the students have chosen this fundraiser elevating the standard to justly serve their school and the community it is housed within. Register today and UNITE with the Crusaders to support them in their mission of service while also supporting the United Way in their mission to improve lives. Register today and join the Crusaders United in Color and run (or walk!) to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead.