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Oswegatchie's Long Pond 100

Mon September 23 - Wed December 31, 2025 Croghan, NY 13327 US Directions

Oswegatchie's Long Pond 100

Donation Goal: $1,000

Thank you for your generous donation through the Long Pond 100 Virtual Challenge. 


Your support helps us to open doors for new opportunities to bring New York FFA members to Oswegatchie and provide an enriching program experience. From six weeks of summer camp to winter weekend retreats and ropes course programs to environmental science and leadership training programs, Camp Oswegatchie provides leadership experiences year-round. 


With the help of our generous supporters like you, we can continue to create these lasting memories for generations to come. Thank you for your contribution.



Todd Lighthall, Exec Director

NY FFA Leadership Training Foundation, Inc.


Oswegatchie is owned and operated by the New York FFA Leadership Training Foundation. The NYSFFALTF, Inc., chartered in 1946 by the New York State Board of Regents, is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that provides businesses, associations, other foundations, and individuals the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our New York youth. Our mission is to build and maintain a financial base that will allow the New York FFA to generate well-educated and career-focused productive citizens. EIN Tax ID Number: 15-6012484 


New York FFA Leadership Training Foundation, Inc.
9340 Long Pond Road
Croghan, NY 13327


Raised of $1,000


Top Donors

$225 Raised By 10 Donors

$50 on behalf of Jeff Parnapy
$25 on behalf of Catie Rowe
$25 on behalf of Dennis Edwards
$25 on behalf of Kimberly Davidson
$25 on behalf of Melissa Steiner
$25 on behalf of Robin McLean
$20 on behalf of Alison Cataldo
$10 on behalf of Tara Bretzik
$10 on behalf of Todd Lighthall
$10 on behalf of Yvonne Friscia

Donation Attribution

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