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Ukraine 5K Run/Walk by Ukrainian Running Club New York

Sat August 22 - Mon August 31


Ukrainian Running Club New York invites you to participate in the  Ukraine Virtual 5K Run/Walk. 

This event will unite Ukrainians around the world and is a great way to celebrate Ukraine's 29th  Independence Day in an active way.

Participating in a virtual race is a great way to keep your mind and body healthy!

The distance of Ukraine Virtual 5K Run/Walk is 5km (3.1miles). You can walk, run, or jog anywhere in the world. Both adults and children are welcome.

Dates of the virtual event: August, 22-31. We encourage participants to run/jog or walk on Independence Day of Ukraine (August, 24) wearing Vyshyvankas (embroidered T-shirts).

The participation fee is $15. 

In addition to entry to the race and great memories, you can get a cool souvenir to keep - awesome mask with printed vyshyvanka.

Shipping: All participants who complete the registration process by August, 20 should receive their face masks by August, 24. If you registered after August, 20, then you should be receiving your face mask in the first weeks of September.

About us:

Ukrainian Running Club New York is a welcoming community of enthusiastic people of all ages and ability levels who share a passion for running. Our mission is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among Ukrainian community in the USA and the world.

Our club has been organizing community runs and events and inspired people to run since 2008. 

Here is the impact our club has made so far:

  • In 2017 we've sent 120+ pairs of sports shoes and athletic apparel to kids affected by war;
  • In 2018 thanks to collected funds we've helped kids with autism at special education school "Schodynky" in Kyiv;
  • In 2019 generous donations of our participants made the dream of Ukrainian disabled athlete Serhiy Amelko come true - he has received a new sports wheelchair.

In 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world and this time we are asking for donations for our club so we can continue to help Ukrainians, inspire even more people to run, and organize more events for Ukrainian community in the US.

Please, post photos and stories on social media using hashtag #virtualukrainerun, tag @urcny on Instagram and Ukrainian Running Club New York on Facebook. The best post chosen by the race committee will receive a prize - branded URC hat!

Kindly note that our annual 5K run/walk previously known as Vyshyvanka Run will not be held in the beautiful Ukrainian Institute of America and we will not be running in iconic Central Park. But hey, with a virtual race you have the flexibility to do your race when and where works best for you.

Happy Running!

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