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Sanctuary Night Mother's Day 5K

Columbus, OH 43215 US
Sanctuary Night


Sanctuary Night is a sacred space serving vulnerable womxn who are at risk for sexual exploitation. We provide a place to rest, eat, connect and get desired resources. It is a vibrant community led by survivors and champions to promote the flourishing of all who sit at our table. 


In 2017, we partnered with Lower Lights Ministries to provide a safe, consistent environment for womxn who visit. Once a week—every week—we offered them a warm meal, clothing, hygiene items, and a safe place. If requested, we connected them with our partners, who steward community resources and support womxn exiting “the life.”

As valuable as the drop-in space we hosted on Monday nights is, it was not enough. With the help of numerous friends and partners, support from the private and public sector, the drop-in center was built on Sullivant Avenue and opened in May 2022. We serve the community 6 days of the week and continue to work towards growing into a 24/7 center.

Our greatest aim is to instill dignity and respect in the womxn we meet. They are our mothers and sisters whom we adore. We pride ourselves on being trauma-informed and survivor-led.

If you would like to donate additional funds to the cause, you can do so here. Thank you for your generosity.



Please feel free to write any physical checks to the following address;

1195 Sullivant Ave

Columbus, OH 43223

Thank you for your consideration!


Raised of $15,000


Top Donors

$635 Raised By 12 Donors

$250 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Nate Schmidt
$100 in support of Trafficked womxn
$50 on behalf of A. C. Beman
$50 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Craig Brooks
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Jesperado
$10 on behalf of Jill Colizoli
$10 on behalf of Leslie Miller
$10 on behalf of Maren Roth

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