2019 T-shirt and Finisher Medal
Costume Holiday House - COUPON!
Online registration is now closed. You will be able to register at packet pickup tonight (at Road Runner Sports-Worthington) or tomorrow morning at the race site!
Why this Race?
The Kiwanis Club of Columbus recognizes that runners have many options when deciding what races to enter. So why invest your money, time, and sweat in the Kiwanis 5K Run and 1 Mile Stroll? Because our race directly supports the needs of our community with an emphasis on serving children.
So far this year, the Club’s charitable foundation has awarded over $30,000 in grants to the following organizations:
~ Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
~ Furniture Bank of Central Ohio
· ~ Simon Kenton Council (Boy Scouts of America)
~ St. Vincent Family Center
~ YMCA of Central Ohio
~ Somali Community Access Network
The grants will be used for efforts to reduce infant mortality, furnish the homes of needy families, mentor and educate our youth, and for many other endeavors. This is WHY we do what we do! Your participation in our race/stroll, will allow us to continue to support the work of these and other organizations for the betterment of our community.
Join us on Saturday, September 28th to meet the needs of the children of Central Ohio.
Registration/Check-In: 7:30 a.m.
Race Start: 8:30 a.m.
Team / Group Registrations
Teams are comprised of a minimum of 3 members each. The first person registering can create the team or group name. Thereafter members can join the team or group. Any team or group who does NOT meet the minimum 3 member threshold will be billed the difference between the regular registration rate and the team discount rate after the conclusion of the event.
Pre-Race Packet Pickup
Friday, September 27
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Road Runner Sports
535 Lakeview Plaza Blvd.
Worthington, Ohio 43085|
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.