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Jason's Race to Finish MS - 5K/10K - Maineville - 30 May 2020

Sat May 30, 2020 Maineville, OH 45039 US Directions


5K - Maineville - 30 May 2020

8:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

10K - Maineville - 30 May 2020

8:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT


7837 Old 3C Hwy
Maineville, OH US 45039


Have you been missing the excitement of packet pick-up?  Ready for a race with a bib, a medal, and some SWAG at the end?

This series will be a "Stay Safe Ohio" compliant 5k/10K run series.  Participation will be limited to 9 participants per event.  Start will be staggered and seeded according to projected finish times.  While the events will occur in public areas, starting locations will be staged to try and avoid other pedestrians. 

All proceeds will benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society.  In order for you to get the tax deduction paperwork the registration will be TWO STEPS:

  1. Register for a spot on RunSignup.
  2. Within 24 hours - make a donation (requested $25 minimum per participant) on the donations page or at :

The Fine Print:

  • I am a one-person Race Coordinator - and I've never really done this before.  Please bear with me as I learn throughout this process too!
  • This is done to combine my two passions - endurance events and working towards a world free of Multiple Sclerosis.  Any event cancellations or changes will not be eligible for a refund, but I will do everything in my power to make things right by all participants. 
  • For most locations, the 5K routes will be one loop or out-and-back course, the 10K will be a 2nd iteration of the 5k route. 
  • As the state and national situation unfolds event details may change.  Any changes will be communicated ASAP to all participants.
  • Since the registration pool is so small, you can sign up multiple family members in a registration (please consider your donation amount when doing so). 
  • Since the registration pool is so small, if you are bringing a baby in a push stroller, that counts as a participant. 
  • Please no pets - I love dogs too, but not everyone else does so let's be conscientious of everyone. 
  • In the spirit of being conscientious, please plan to wear a mask for packet pick-up and finish line SWAG pick-up.  You will not be expected to wear a mask on the run course but you certainly may.
  • Again - it's just me.  Time limit to finish the event is 2 hours.

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