7,686 animals came through Friendship APL's shelter doors in 2023. At Friendship APL, animals are transferred in, surrendered, seized or come through our clinic program. 5,075 Spay/Neuter Surgeries
were performed in 2023. These surgeries account for our adoptable animals, who all get fixed before being placed up for adoption, as well as owner animals through our low cost spay/neuter clinic. Additionally, we are able to fix community cats through our TNR program. 572 People Utilized our Pet Pantry
In 2023, 572 unique people utilized our pet pantry as a source of food for their animals. This program offers assistance to our community members so pets can stay in their homes. We average 91 people per month.
If you would like to make an additional donation to Friendship APL, please complete the donation form here. Thank you for your generosity and help!