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Writers in Residence’s Juvenile Justice 5K and 1-Mile Walk

Writers in Residence remains to be the leading arts and justice nonprofit in Ohio committed to impacting justice-involved youth. Since 2017, the organization has taught creative writing to youth who are incarcerated to empower their voices and assist in their reentry into society. We fulfill our mission by facilitating Creative Writing Workshops to residents inside juvenile facilities as well as mentoring them after their release through our Reentry Mentorship Initiative. Writers in Residence strives to reduce the recidivism rates of our youth and participate in the transformation of the juvenile justice system. Proceeds from this event will help us empower 425 residents in detention across 200 creative writing workshops and mentor 30 youth returning to the community!

Top Donors

$195 Raised By 7 Donors

$50 on behalf of SAWSAN ALHADDAD
$50 from Anonymous
$40 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Matt Weinkam
$10 on behalf of Carole Krus
$5 on behalf of Alexis Bifro

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