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Spirit of the Marys: Sprint to the Solstice

Mon June 1 - Sun June 21 Corvallis, OR 97330 US Directions


Marys River Watershed (open course - run/ride where you like)
Corvallis, OR US 97330


Explore your watershed this June and celebrate the Spirit of the Marys River. 

In this Virtual 5K Walk/Run & 50K Bike Ride, participants can run, walk, or ride any time between June 1 and June 21st, anywhere in the Marys (or in the spirit of the Marys elsewhere)! All times are self-reported. Choose your favorite course or a new area to explore, and, if you want, track your distance and route using your favorite device or application, such as CharityMiles, MapMyWalk, Strava, etc. (not required to participate). 

Free to participate! Donations gratefully accepted but not required. 

Open course - run/ride where you like in the Marys River watershed (or in spirit of the Marys River elsewhere in the world).

Complete the virtual race at any time (at once or in segments) between June 1st and June 21st.

If you want to compete for most miles covered over the month for either the bike or the foot race, please keep track of your own miles and submit your results when you have completed all the miles you want to, at the latest on June 21st. The race website will only allow you to submit one result for each event (50K bike and 5K foot race). 

If you want, share your results, route, pictures, and thoughts about the race on our Facebook event page!

Awards: A Marys River Watershed Council shirt from our online store will be awarded to one winner in each of the following categories (a person may only win one award).

  • 5K walk / run / roll, recognition for fastest time one day
  • 50K bike ride, recognition for fastest time one day
  • Recognition for most miles biked/run in one day
  • Recognition for most miles biked/run over the whole month

Thanks to our sponsors who have helped spread the word about this event! Need gear? Shop local! 

Our terrific sponsors: Running Princess, Peak Sports, Corvallis Cyclery, and Five Star Sports

Race Contact Info

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