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Pittsburgh Superhero Run

Sat October 22, 2022 Allison Park, PA 15101 US

Pittsburgh Superhero Run

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Allegheny County works to recruit, train and supervise volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in our community. Unfortunately, child victims often suffer from many complex problems and circumstances that, without personalized attention, will sabotage their ability to live in safe, nurturing and permanent homes. CASA volunteers ensure that every child receives the personalized attention they need and deserve. For more information on CASA, or to find out how you can become a CASA volunteer, please visit

All money raised will help CASA train their volunteers and pay for expenses associated with advocating for abusedĀ children in court and throughout the child welfare system.

Every child needs a hero but abused children need superheroes.

Top Donors

$1,740 Raised By 38 Donors

$200 on behalf of Jamie Dougherty
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Jennifer Prevade
$100 on behalf of John Szurley
$100 on behalf of TakiMark Whitman
$50 on behalf of Bill Sneddon
$50 on behalf of Carolyn Arnfield
$50 on behalf of Carolyn Arnfield
$50 on behalf of Colleen Sneddon
$50 on behalf of Constantine Avery
$50 on behalf of Danielle toader
$50 on behalf of Debbie Damico
$50 on behalf of Elena Yanev
$50 on behalf of From your friends at Skydive Pennsylvania
$50 on behalf of Jacqueline Orovets
$50 on behalf of Jeffrey and Jennifer M McCurry
$50 on behalf of Jeremy Sanders
$50 on behalf of Joan Johnson
$50 on behalf of Kubankin Beth
$25 on behalf of Al & Denise Wyckoff
$25 on behalf of Brian Madison
$25 on behalf of Bruce and Marcy Carman
$25 on behalf of Calum Munro
$25 on behalf of Christina Mazzocco
$25 on behalf of Fred Pfisterer
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Jennifer Busia
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Laura Andreakos
$25 on behalf of Lee Saracena
$25 on behalf of Mark Haney
$25 on behalf of Michael kelly
$25 on behalf of Nicole Lemal-Stefanovich
$25 on behalf of Sherrie-Gay Bryan
$20 on behalf of Eliece Pietrangeli
$20 on behalf of Toni Aduddell
$20 on behalf of Tricia Collins
$5 on behalf of Maria Howell

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