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Eat My Dusk 5k and Kid's 1/2 Mile Fun Run

Sat June 7, 2025 Berwick, PA 18603 US Directions

Eat My Dusk 5k and Kid's 1/2 Mile Fun Run

Donation Goal: $1,000

Can't attend our event and would still like to donate towards an amazing program? Not a problem! You can donate right here! Your donation will be greatly appreciated. Your donation will help our program grow even more! Our program Movement and Motivation is for anyone that has a movement disorder. The most commonly known disorder is Parkinson's Disease. Our mission of Movement and Motivation is to improve the quality of life of movement disorder patients and their caregivers, to educate patients, caregivers, and the general public about the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle after a movement disorder diagnosis, and to create a supportive community.


Raised of $1,000


Donation Attribution

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