All donations will go to the family of Molly Snatchko and her family. Molly and Jimmy have 2 girls, Sadie (18) and Chloe (16) that both go to West Allegheny. Molly was diagnosed with Non-invasive ductal carcinoma the first week of June and had a double mastectomy the 3rd week of July. Helping Molly could not go to better cause as she single handily has raised well over $100,000 by organizing, cooking, and spear heading multiple fundraisers for families in need. If you remember our Withrow Fundraising event while Jerrod Withrow was still alive, Molly cooked over 1,000 spaghetti dinners that day for the event. There could not be a more deserving person to help than Molly and her family this urgent time of need.