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Easterseals RI Virtual Race Toward Inclusion

Fri October 30 - Sun November 8 RaceJoy Ready


Race Toward Inclusion is a virtual run, walk or ride event benefitting Easterseals Rhode Island, a nonprofit organization dedicated to full inclusion of people with disabilities of all ages. 
To support Easterseals RI and Race Toward Inclusion:
  1. Register for one or more of the events
  2. We will ship awesome race swag to your door
  3. Submit your results between October 30 and November 8
  4. Follow us on Facebook @eastersealsri for updates and announcements
In addition:
  • You will have opportunities to compete for different prizes and awards
  • You choose when, where and how you race between October 30 and November 8
  • Track and submit your time easily with RaceJoy or your preferred method
  • Post the routes you’ve done on social media for others to try
  • Fastest time and most distance covered as well as winners for different categories revealed on Nov. 13

October is the 75th observance of the National Disability Employment Awareness Month and I am excited to invite you to the Easterseals Rhode Island’s Race Toward Inclusion as a way to pay tribute to the accomplishments of people with disabilities and raise critical funds for Easterseals RI programming. 

Your participation and generous contributions will support ESRI’s efforts to help people with disabilities of all ages secure access to a variety of programs, such as:   

  • Therapy for children who are experiencing developmental delays to optimal developmental milestones for continued success later in life
  • Job exploration programs for middle school students and internship programs for high school and college students who are in special education
  • Adult services including respite, supported employment, and job development. 

Each year, Easterseals RI helps over 800 people with disabilities and impacts the lives of thousands of families across Rhode Island. We rely on your contributions to provide high quality programs and services. COVID has had a negative impact on us all and disability service providers across the country are closing programs as the coronavirus pandemic wears on and many are unlikely to reopen. We need your support now more than ever. 

Please join us by participating in this fun virtual event and encourage others too! We have sponsorship opportunities available, email for more information. If you can’t participate, please consider making a donation online And be sure to follow us on Facebook @eastersealsRI for more virtual fun!

Thank you for your support. We are excited to experience our first virtual race with you.

#RaceTowardInclusion    #NDEAM75     #ADA30     

On your mark, get set, GO! Race Toward Inclusion! 

Virtual Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Virtual Race, click the button below.


Available for Apple and Android devices.

Interactive Race Day Experience with RaceJoy

Live Phone Tracking, GPS Progress Alerts and Cheers!

We are providing you with RaceJoy as part of the official race experience for the Easterseals RI Virtual Race Toward Inclusion.

Download the RaceJoy mobile app in advance to ensure proper phone setup. Invite your friends and family to track you and send you cheers!

Some key RaceJoy features include:

GPS Progress Alerts

  • Receive continual progress updates as you complete your goal.

Live GPS Tracking

  • Remote spectators can track your progress live in a map view. You can also track others.


  • Receive supportive audio cheers from remote friends & family.

Virtual Results (virtual events only)

  • Enter your race-assigned bib number to automatically submit your finish data for real-time scored results.
To use RaceJoy, you must carry your phone and activate tracking on the day you complete your race.
View RaceJoy How-To

Virtual Race Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your virtual race experience.

Did you participate in the virtual race?
Would you recommend this virtual race to a friend?

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