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RMHCNE Women's Classic 5k Road Race and 3k Walk

Sun October 12, 2025 Providence, RI 02906 US Directions

RMHCNE Women's Classic 5k Road Race and 3k Walk

If you would like to make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House Charities® of New England, you can do so online or by mail.

Checks can be made out to Ronald McDonald House Charities® of New England (RMHCNE)

Note: if you would like to support a specific House please identify either RMH Providence or RMH Boston Harbor on the memo line.

Mail to:

Ronald McDonald House Charities of New England
Attn: Bob Rothenberg
45 Gay Street
Providence, RI 02905

Please note: Ronald McDonald House Charities® of New England is a 501 (c) 3. Therefore, contributions to the RMHCNE are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Please consult your tax advisor.

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


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