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Swing Bridge Run

Sat November 1, 2025 Directions

Swing Bridge Run

Donation Goal: $10,000

Donations support the Holy Trinity Fund - this fund enables us to keep tuition low for all students and to provide generous need based assistance to 30% of our enrolled students. Your gifts help us to compensate qualified teachers and provide them with the supplies to fulfill their calling. If you would like to make a gift earmarked for a specific need please click this link to contact the Advancement Office.

To recognize that our gifts are not our own, but by His Grace alone, we share 10% of the net event proceeds  with Good Shepherd Academy in South Sudan. These funds make a tremendous impact on their ability to provide the students with basic needs that we take for granted, such as clean water, food, and clothing. 

The Lord loves a joyful giver! Our students participate in this gift to their peers, students across the world with much greater needs than their own. By sharing our blessings our students learn the joy of giving and develop a heart for philanthropy.

Holy Trinity Classical Christian School is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization, Tax Id 452702539.



Raised of $10,000


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