Daufuskie Island Conservancy
The DI Conservancy is a SC nonprofit corporation organized exclusively for education, scientific and charitable purposes related to the study, protection and management of the natural resources of Daufuskie Island and the surrounding ecosystem.
History of Organization
The Daufuskie Island (DI) Conservancy was founded in 2005 for the purpose of environmental education with a focus on helping residents to learn about the island. The slogan is: “Love it, Save it, Share it.” The organization received 501 (c)(3) status on August 24, 2006 and interest has expanded to include natural resources, litter control, and recycling.
In 2007 we worked with one of the private communities on the island to establish a basic recycling program. The organization has a six-member Board of Directors; operates according to established by-laws; and strategically focuses its resources on developing partnerships, building a funding base, invigorating education and the Adopt-the-Road Program, and taking on “water” as an environmental issue on Daufuskie Island.
In 2009 the DI Conservancy, committed to strategic planning, began to research waste management and water conservation, and sustainable living.
Since its inception as a charitable organization with a focus on the environment, the DI Conservancy has engaged in the following types of activities: hosting annually, a series of monthly environmental talks on a variety of subjects (i.e., sea turtles, solar power, gardening, crabbing, fishing, etc.); contributing articles for publication in the local newsletter, implementing an Adopt-a-Road Program, "Island Clean Up" projects, Water Conservation, Native Plants and establishing a sustainable living farm.