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Let's Walk Wilco

Wed May 1 - Fri May 31 Hutto, TX 78634 US


Donate to the Interagency

Donation Goal: $5,000

Donors will be recognized on our organization website and new podcast series! 

With your generous donation, the Interagency will continue to support local organizations that serve the people of eastern Williamson County, through collaboration, coordination, and innovation. As a catalyst for essential change in community services, the Interagency works to improve the effectiveness of community support services with our unique programs (see below). We still have much work to do to serve our local community.


Our goal is to reach $5,000 in proceeds and to bring our local community together in support of Mental Health Awareness month. Help us reach our goals in support of nonprofits and community-based organizations by donating or becoming a sponsor today! 


School-Based Mental Health Program

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since 2007, the Interagency has contracted with Impact Counseling Services (formerly Intervention Services, PLLC) for mental health professionals to serve students, families and staff, FREE of charge in Hutto, Taylor, Granger, Bartlett, Jarrell, Thrall and Coupland school districts. The program works to keep school-based mental health services barrier free. 

Monthly Networking Meetings

The Interagency hosts monthly meetings to facilitate collaboration among local organizations and coordinate a unified message about mental wellness. We help identify gaps in services and bring forth ideas to overcome these challenges. 


Podcasting to Elevate Nonprofit Voices 

In 2024, the Interagency began a new project to support local nonprofits in sharing their stories. Let's Talk Wilco, is a podcast that discusses the unique characteristics and needs of Williamson County, with focus on our Eastern community. The series considers the complexities of nonprofit, community-based organization, and service agency work. We don't just focus on the problems, but on what is going well and how organizations, and the community, can work together to improve the effectiveness of community support services.


Local Nonprofit Training Conference

The Interagency, in collaboration with other local organizations and Nonprofit Austin at ACC, will host our inaugural nonprofit training conference on September 27, 2024. The event will bring a combination of speakers from the local community, local organizations, and Nonprofit Austin at ACC together to share about the identified community needs, the role of nonprofits within the community, and the tools necessary to improve nonprofit management, expansion, and sustainability. 
For additional information about donating offline, please contact us:
P: 512-607-5683
Address: P.O. Box 5 Taylor, TX 76574


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$100 Raised By 1 Donor

$100 on behalf of Jason Wright

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