Have a few spare dollars to help support kids in 1st Grade - 12th Grade who are a part of Running Down a Dream, get pairs of running shoes & new running gear?
A pair of running shoes is more than just a pair of shoes for our kids. These shoes provide kids access to chase their dreams in every facet of their lives. Whether thats how running affects them physically, performance in the classroom, or emotionally with stress or anxiety, these shoes give kids a path to success.
For those who are unfamiliar with our organization, our mission is to provide running shoes, health education, and running training to every kid in Central Texas so they can live a healthier life, train, and succeed in all areas of their life.
We meet EVERY week on Saturday mornings for a group run where kids meet with local running coaches, mentors, and other young kids who are interested in staying healthy and getting into running. Additionally, waking up on a Saturday morning to go for a run teaches kids diligence, motivation, and mental strength to get up and do something that promotes good health, when many of their peers are still asleep.
We never want a pair of running shoes to keep a kid from being able to stay healthy. We offer kids and families the opportunity to get a new or gently used pair of shoes from us when they sign their kid up with our organization, if they do not meet the median income level for their household size.
At Running Down a Dream EVERY little bit helps and ANY contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5, $50, or $500. Every single dollar that has ever been donated to Running Down a Dream, has gone directly back into the organization, we mean EVERYTHING goes to the kids.