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The Spilman Thomas & Battle Jaunt for Justice 5K

Sat October 4, 2025 Roanoke, VA 24016 US Directions

The Spilman Thomas & Battle Jaunt for Justice 5K

Donation Goal: $2,500

Roanoke Valley Paralegal Association (RVPA) and The Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley (LASRV) are coming together to host the fourth annual Jaunt for Justice 5K.  We invite both runners and walkers to register to participate in our annual 5K run/walk at Tinker Creek Greenway in Fallen Park in Roanoke, Virginia!  

The proceeds from Jaunt for Justice 5K will benefit The Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley.  LASRV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides legal services to individuals who would not otherwise be able to afford it. Publicly and privately funded, LASRV works to protect marginalized individuals from abuse and exploitation. From domestic violence to consumer fraud and landlord-tenant disputes, LASRV is committed to protecting the vulnerable from predators of all types. For more than half a century LASRV has represented clients in State and Federal courts, provided community training, advised clients, advocated for under-served communities, and provided leadership to local communities on important issues relating to social justice.

We hope you will join with us to help LASRV provide free legal services to under-served and marginalized members of our community.


Raised of $2,500


Donation Attribution

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