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AFSP Vermont December Dash for Suicide Prevention 5k Run / Walk

Tue December 1 - Thu December 31 St.Johnsbury, VT 05819 US

AFSP Vermont December Dash for Suicide Prevention 5k Run / Walk

Donation Goal: $5,000

Join us this December for AFSP Vermont's first annual "December Dash for Suicide Prevention" Run/Walk!

The run/walk can take place wherever you'd like - on a trail, in your neighborhood, in Vermont, or anywhere else in the country - that's the best part about this virtual race! 

Pick a day in December to run/walk a 5k course of your choosing (every single day!) to help us raise awareness about suicide & the importance of prevention efforts, and critically needed funds in support of AFSP Vermont's mission of saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.  

All partcipants recieve a custom bib and additional fundraising incentives including the AFSP HOPE t0shirts, Team AFSP Gear, and more!



Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$56 Raised By 2 Donors

$36 on behalf of Esther Halden
$20 on behalf of David Sponenberg

Donation Attribution

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