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Bellingham Bay Marathon

Sun September 21, 2025 Bellingham, WA 98225 US

Bellingham Bay Marathon

Donation Goal: $10,000

The Bellingham Bay Marathon is a fundraiser for the Bellingham Bay Swim Team and Whatcom FC Rangers soccer club. Overall, 100% of net proceeds benefit these Whatcom County youth non-profit organizations!


Bellingham Bay Swim Team
The Bellingham Bay Swim Team (BBST) is a year-round club affiliated with Pacific Northwest Swimming (PNS), a committee of USA Swimming. Founded in the fall of 1995, this parent board-run club offers swimmers from all skill levels, novice to elite, the opportunity to improve themselves and their swimming through the continued development of advanced swimming technique and conditioning in the sport.

BBST is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of over 100 swimmers of all ages, abilities, and commitment levels. The team offers something for everyone, from beginning swimmers to highly skilled swimmers competing at the national level.


Whatcom Football Club Rangers
Whatcom Football Club (WFC) Rangers is a premier level soccer club which participates in one of Washington State’s highest leagues, the Regional Club League (RCL.)

The WFC Rangers club formed in 1985 and has operated under the same name ever since. Four decades later, we are still here to serve our vibrant community. The club develops and trains over 500 players each year from U9 through U19 and has a staff of over 30. The staff aim to develop players to the best of their unique potential while adhering to the club’s core values of purpose, passion, and greatness. As one of the longest standing clubs in Washington state, we have a long legacy of providing an unforgettable youth soccer experience. Our “Driven by Purpose, Empowered with Passion, Destined for Greatness” motto makes WFC Rangers the premier destination for players.

WFC Rangers is a not for profit 501(c)(3) and the club offers scholarships to all players who qualify.


Raised of $10,000


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