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Sunland Estates 5k Run/Walk

Fri July 4 - Sat July 5, 2025 Quincy, WA 98848 US

Sunland Estates 5k Run/Walk

Be a race sponsor!  Receive recognition on the race shirts for the following amounts (send logo in black and white pdf to by MONDAY, JUNE 9TH in order to make it on to the shirt!). 
White Sponsor: $200 medium logo 

Blue Sponsor: $500 large logo

Red Sponsor: $2,000 extra large logo

Interested in a race shirt without having to race?  Donations to the Sunland 4th of July Celebration of $25 or greater receive an official dry-fit race shirt (if the donation is received by June 16th).

 Please forward your donation confirmation email to with your shirt size!

*Note - Sunland Estates HOA is not a 501c organization and your donation is not tax deductible.

Donation Attribution

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