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myTEAM TRIUMPH Wisconsin

2025 Race Season Green Bay, WI 54313 US

myTEAM TRIUMPH Wisconsin

Donation Goal: $100,000

You're almost to the finish line!

Please proceed in one of the following ways:

  1. FUNDRAISE: Select "Become a Fundraiser" if you wish to fundraise your yearly minimum requirement
    • This will automatically set up a fundraiser for the year! 
    • The "Donation" input will allow you to make an additional contribution if you wish
  2. PAY: Click "Continue" if you are paying the yearly minimum on your own! 

If you have offline donations, please send them via mail to the following address: 1307 Brookfield Ave. Green Bay, WI 54313

Checks are written out to: myTEAM TRIUMPH Wisconsin


Raised of $100,000


Top Donors

$5,963 Raised By 41 Donors

$1,000 from Anonymous
$139 on behalf of Jeffrey Oosterheert
$125 from Anonymous
$125 from Anonymous
$103 from Facebook Donation
$100 from Facebook Donation
$300 on behalf of Angie Lee
$70 on behalf of Jeffrey Oosterheert
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Colleen O'Leary
$50 on behalf of Kris Cemke
$50 on behalf of Megan Kolonich
$41 from Facebook Donation
$36 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Mary Szymkowiak
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 on behalf of Beth Johnson
$25 on behalf of Carli Palmer
$25 on behalf of Carrie Mattie
$25 on behalf of Cheryl Apfel Wise
$25 on behalf of Laura Ahonen
$25 on behalf of Lisa Cemke
$25 on behalf of Liz Keith
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Sarah Aiken-Felling
$25 on behalf of Tom radke
$21 on behalf of Tim Muldoon
$21 from Facebook Donation
$20 from Facebook Donation
$20 from Facebook Donation
$20 on behalf of Pam Robinson
$10 from Anonymous
$5 from Facebook Donation

Want to Support Fellow Angels on their Fundraiser? Select an Angel Fundraiser to donate!


Donation Attribution

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