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Beat the Blues Cruise 5K Run/Walk

Donation Goal: $1,000

Donations will go towards one national and one local charity again in 2025.

Our online link is not active at this time for online donations without race sign-up. Please see information below regarding "offline" donation instructions. Thank you.

If you are so inclined to donate only and wish to do this offline, as an alternate option, please mail check to 

Beat the Blues Cruise

4283 Blackstone Court

Middleton WI 53562


Raised of $1,000


Top Donors

$2,295 Raised By 17 Donors

$500 on behalf of Gail Lindow
$500 on behalf of Mark and Ryan Hellenbrand
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Michele Narowetz
$250 on behalf of Rebecca Thousand
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Jeni Kraemer
$50 on behalf of Ashley Waugh
$50 on behalf of Cathy Keenan
$50 on behalf of Chuck Grant
$50 on behalf of Rylan Ezman
$50 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Julie Durnen
$20 on behalf of Diane BIndl
$20 on behalf of Karen Rackow
$20 on behalf of Naomi Lindberg
$10 from Anonymous

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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