What is Changing A Destiny?
We help families internationally and locally. Check out our story.
Changing A Destiny is a non-profit organization that began with a mission trip to Kenya, specifically, Kilifi County.
Kilifi County is among one of the poorest and least educated counties in Kenya. It’s difficult for children to get an education and receive the physical, emotional, and spiritual support they need.
On a recent mission trip to Kilifi, this sad truth was heart-wrenching. We could leave and remember our time there, or do something about it. We chose to do something.
This community needs a HEART – where children can be educated, families can get together, and a community can grow. They need a place where they can learn how to be faithful leaders. They need a school and a church.
So, that’s what we’re doing! Over the next three to five years, we want to raise funds to:
Purchase two acres of land. Completed April 2022 & fully funded.
Build a church on the land for the families living in the nearby villages. It will be a spiritual center for the community.
Build a 6-room school and educate young children.
Changing A Destiny has teamed up with Life Choices a family resource center in Burlington, WI. They help young families with pregnancy questions, domestic abuse, parenting & counseling classes, free supplies, and much more. We are focusing on locally as well as internationally. We help collect diapers & a percentage of our fundraising goes to Life Choices.
And that’s just the beginning… We can’t wait to see what God has in store!