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UCT Raizin' Trail Virtual Event

Sat October 17 - Sun November 8 Buckhannon, WV 26201 US Directions

UCT Raizin' Trail Virtual Event

Donation Goal: $5,000

We are a volunteer based group and currently do not receive any funding from our local government. While they support our efforts, trail work is not budgeted. This volunteer group has funded all current expenses. Please know that funds raised from this virtual event will go to maintaining the current trail system as well as building new trails. We welcome and appreciate any additional funds you are interested in contributing to our efforts.


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$580 Raised By 16 Donors

$150 on behalf of Todd Campbell
$50 on behalf of Camp Morningwood
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Kathy StClair
$50 on behalf of Pam Martin
$50 on behalf of Rick Bozic
$25 on behalf of Eric Bragg
$25 on behalf of Shahna West
$20 on behalf of Brendan Gibat
$20 on behalf of Duwane Squires
$20 on behalf of Elizabeth Broschart
$20 on behalf of Leslie Knope
$15 on behalf of Shelby Williams
$15 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Amy Queen
$10 on behalf of Bev Flanigan

Donation Attribution

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