Race Day Information
Location: 1500 North Airport RD, Normal, IL 61761. Adjacent to Normal Community High School.
Restrooms: Portapotties available by the course.
Parking: Please park in the main parking lot. Avoid using the sections labeled do not park. In addition,
Normal Community High School will be hosting a IHSA Swimming Meet, so please do not park in their
Check-in Tent: After parking, please check in at the white tents close to the portapotty area. This will be
at the corner of the parking lot by the baseball fields. Runners will pick up race bibs and safety pins.
Also, course maps will be available at the registration tents.
Uniforms: Runners may race in any uniform. There will be no rule in place regarding individual or
school issued uniforms.
Course: The course has two short crossings over a roadway between Eastview and NCHS. Other than
that the entire course is grass. Footing is pretty good. Turns are built for speed. One slight uphill before
mile one. One slight decline at the first mile. The course is completely striped. Cones or posts mark all
turns on the course.
Warmup areas:
• Wave 1: Warmup on the course. Drop any gear with parent or along the baseball fence
by the starting line.
• Wave 2: Warmup inside the baseball field in the outfield grass. Do not run on the
infield area. Leave your gear along the inside of the baseball fence as you move to
starting line (or with a parent).
• Wave 3: Warmup on the second baseball field, away from the starting line. Once the
second wave has moved to the starting line, we will move you into the baseball field
close to the starting line.
Starting line: Each runner will have an assigned spot. Once the prior race is started, the next wave of
runners will be allowed to leave the baseball staging area and move to the starting line. Final strides
and warmups should be done as the prior race is finishing. We plan to start the next race immediately
after the prior race is complete.
Finish Line: Once runners cross the finish line, they should continue moving and enter the baseball
infield to grab any sweats/gear. Once they have grabbed their gear, they should exit out towards the
dugout areas. Coaches and spectators, we will have areas roped off around the finish line. Please help
us as we try to socially distance around the finish line.
Spectator expectations: Please stay socially distant along the course. We ask that no
spectators/coaches go out along the 1.0-1.5 mile mark along the cornfield. Our neighbor farmers are
generous and we do not want to damage fields. Also, please be aware of the runners finishing around
the horseshoe finish area! Do not cross over the course during the race finishes.
Mile mark times: We will have a person reading off mile times for each race at the 1 mile mark.
Concessions: There will not be concessions available on site. We will have bottled water available for
participants and emergencies at the finish line. Runners are encouraged to grab a bottle from the cooler
as they depart the finish line area. Please throw empty cans in to trash cans or trash bags along the
baseball fence. There are boatloads of restaurants within 5 minutes of the race course.
Finish times: Finish times will be posted online at http://www.ItsRaceTime.com/Results.aspx?ID=2404
Live Streaming: We will work to live stream the lead pack of each race and also catch as much as we
can of the finish line action. We will stream on Facebook Live from Eastview Sports site.
Eastview Christian Church: On Demand Services on Youtube, Roku, Facebook Live. 9am and 11am
services at our Normal Campus. 10am Services at our Bloomington Campus. www.eastview.church
Awards: Top 5 runners in each flight will receive their medallions in the finish chute at each race.
Winning team and overall fastest times will be recognized at the conclusion of the final race. This will
take place by the baseball bleachers (approx. 12:30pm or sooner if races move up).
Church facility: The church building will be closed on Saturday and available only for an emergency. We
will have portapotties and bottled water (mainly for the runners) at the course.
Mask policy: All spectators and coaches must wear masks. We understand that people have personal
feelings about this policy. But in the interest of gathering people from a broad region, we will be
stringent on this expectation. During the activity, event staff will be instructed to ask any non-athlete
who is not wearing a face mask to put one on immediately. We appreciate your cooperation as we seek
to host this event given all the COVID restrictions around our athletes & gatherings.
COVID self check: Every household will be expected to self check all family members on Friday and
Saturday. If any family member is experiencing COVID related symptoms, please stay home. We hope
this is not a situation for anyone, but if this does occur, please contact us and we will refund your fee.
Events like this can only happen if we are all diligent in these checks, so please honor this request. The
only refund that will be given is in the event of a COVID related issue within your family.
Race Start Times:
9:00am Course opens. Check in tent opens. ALL runners pick up bibs at the check in tent. Check
in tent will stay open from 9:00am-11:00am.
9:45am BOYS Wave 1 reports to starting line.
BOYS Wave 2 checks into East Baseball Field behind starting line.
- Check in is at the west dugout entry.
9:55am Final instructions and start of BOYS WAVE 1
10:10am BOYS WAVE 2 reports to starting line.
10:15am Final instructions and start of BOYS WAVE 2
BOYS WAVE 3 checks into East Baseball Field behind starting line.
10:30am BOYS WAVE 3 reports to the starting line.
11:00am GIRLS WAVE 1 reports to the starting line for warmups. Gear can be given to parents or
placed along the baseball fence by the starting line.
GIRLS WAVE 2 checks into the East Baseball Field for warmups.
11:15am GIRLS WAVE 2 reports to the starting line for warmups.
GIRLS WAVE 3 checks into the East Baseball Field for warmups.
11:40am GIRLS WAVE 3 reports to the starting line for warmups.
12:15pm Team award presentations. By the baseball bleachers. Please stay socially distanced
during the post race time!