About Us
Eco Trail Trekker Global Events enable us to support charities and good causes in our local communities or further afield and rewards us with a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally
Our Sports, Health & Wellness Expo enables like-minded people to discover the latest developments our vendors have to offer to improve your wellbeing aspirations
Inspire your friends, work colleagues and family to participate in one of our many challenges
Train together – Start together – Stay together and Finish together
Everyone welcome – Teams and individuals
Walk, Trek, Jog, Run!
We don’t care as long as you have Fun!
Our Mission Statement
Our Eco Trail Trekker Guiding Principles:
Safety – The safety of our participants, trail makers and visitors is our
 number one consideration
Courtesy – We aspire to create the friendliest events on the planet
Promoting Good Health & Wellness – Encouraging communities to dial up their physical and mental health and wellness aspirations
Corporate Social Responsibility – By donating a minimum of 50% of the net entry fees from our participants to supported charities and good causes
Eco Friendly – We will support eco-friendly charities, businesses and good causes
Efficiency – We will improve event by event
Creating Win-Win-Win Partnerships – with our sponsors, participants and partners
Leveraging Technology – to drive the success of our Eco Trail Trekker events globally