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Forth Annual International Mermaid Day

Sat September 16 - Sun October 1 Deerfield Beach , FL 33441 US

International Mermaid Day VIRTUAL Swim, Bike or Run

This virtual 5k run, swim or bike event can be any distance you wish to obtain and while the International Mermaid Day falls on Saturday, September 16, 2017, you can opt to run, swim or bike your distance on any date that week, with your choice of location, rain or shine.

Check out Facebook page for the latest details.

Customized bib and fabulous medal included
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

International Mermaid Day 5k Sarasota

This run can be any distance you wish to obtain and while the International Mermaid Day falls on Saturday, September 16, 2017, you can opt to run, swim or bike your distance on any date that week, with your choice of location, rain or shine. For Sarasota we choose Sunday September 17th!

Check out Facebook page for the latest details.

Customized bib and fabulous medal included
Event Date:
Sunday October 1, 2017
Start Time:
7:00am EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

International Mermaid Day South Florida Social

Calling all South Florida Mermaids!

In celebration of International Mermaid Day, join The Mermaid Club for a fun run at the beach followed by a post-run drink and good conversation at 26 Degree Brewery Company.

We shall start around 6pm at 26 Degree Brewery and run down to Altantic Beach, heading north about 1.5 miles up and turn around, if you want to run more go for it! And if you don't want to run and get sweaty, that is perfectly fine too!

We recommend that you bring a fresh 'Mermaid' shirt for those who do run;)

First drink is on us as well as the opportunity to win some goodies in our raffle, just show your bib and medal to the head Mermaid and we'll get you all hook up!

26 Degree Brewery serves beer, wine and cider and the food truck booked for that day is Massamilianos (Italian).

Event Date:
Thursday September 21, 2017
Start Time:
6:00pm EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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