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GET NOTHING 5K #012 - Ides of March

Sat March 15, 2025 Jacksonville, FL 32221 US Directions

5K Run/Walk

[Too many St. Paddy's Day-themed races this time of the year, so why not try something different?  Presenting the "Ides of March 5K" for you.  Perfect, because this year the date of this ancient Roman calendar day falls on a Saturday - when YOU have time to come run!  🏃🏃‍♀️

Should you "BEWARE" of the Ides of March?  NO!  You should "BE THERE" on the Ides of March!  BE THERE at this FREE 5K and enjoy running with friends!  Roman Emperor Julius CECIL was famously stabbed in the back on March 15, 44 B.C.E., so we will appropriately mark the occasion by running the serene CECIL Greenway at CECIL Field.  How cool!   

What's that you say?  ...  It was Julius CESAR,... not Julius CECIL? 😮 

Ah.  Oh well.  😅 🤷‍♂️

Close enough, it'll do as our theme location.  And to double down on the theme, while at the Get Nothing 5K you typically get NOTHING, thanks to our very generous donors this time all participants will receive a genuine ancient Roman coin pendant mini-medal bearing Julius Ce...sar's likeness.  

Alright, maybe it's not a GENUINE coin, and maybe neither is Julius Cesar depicted on it.  Nonetheless it makes a nice memento and is better than getting NOTHING... and MUCH better than getting stabbed in the back!  So join the fun! 😆 ]
Start Time:
4:44pm EDT
End Time:
6:30pm EDT

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