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GET NOTHING 5K #012 - Ides of March

Sat March 15, 2025 Jacksonville, FL 32221 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

$0 4:44PM EDT - 6:30PM EDT Registration ends March 15, 2025 at 7:00pm EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Cecil Field Conservation Corridor
Near Cecil Equestrian Center
Jacksonville, FL US 32221


[Too many St. Paddy's Day-themed races this time of the year, so why not try something different?  Presenting the "Ides of March 5K" for you.  Perfect, because this year the date of this ancient Roman calendar day falls on a Saturday - when YOU have time to come run!  🏃🏃‍♀️


Should you "BEWARE" of the Ides of March?  NO!  You should "BE THERE" on the Ides of March!  BE THERE at this FREE 5K and enjoy running with friends!  Roman Emperor Julius CECIL was famously stabbed in the back on March 15, 44 B.C.E., so we will appropriately mark the occasion by running the serene CECIL Greenway at CECIL Field.  How cool!   


What's that you say?  ...  It was Julius CESAR,... not Julius CECIL? 😮 


Ah.  Oh well.  😅 🤷‍♂️


Close enough, it'll do as our theme location.  And to double down on the theme, while at the Get Nothing 5K you typically get NOTHING, thanks to our very generous donors this time all participants will receive a genuine ancient Roman coin pendant mini-medal bearing Julius Ce...sar's likeness.  


Alright, maybe it's not a GENUINE coin, and maybe neither is Julius Cesar depicted on it.  Nonetheless it makes a nice memento and is better than getting NOTHING... and MUCH better than getting stabbed in the back!  So join the fun! 😆 ]


GET NOTHING 5K offers NO swag bags, NO medals, and absolutely NO shirts - just the pure, unadulterated joy of running together.  Experience the exhilaration of crossing the finish line and getting NOTHING: no cheaply made medal to gather dust, no poorly designed t-shirt to stuff in your already overflowing drawer, no pressure to compete for age group awards - just the satisfaction of knowing you ran 5 kilometers and had FUN while doing so.  Since you get NOTHING, you even need to bring your own HYDRATION.  But that's okay, because you also PAID NOTHING - GET NOTHING 5K is a FREE TIMED 5K.  🤷‍♂️


Make it whatever YOU want it to be:  you can run fast and aim for a PR if you want, but if you "win", you still get NOTHING.   Run fast, or run slow - or somewhere in between.  Do a tempo run, interval training, use it as a tune-up or shake-out, just get in a few miles for the day, or enjoy a leisurely jog with your running bestie.  Meet new friends, catch up with old ones, encourage others along the way, maybe even inspire someone to join the fun next time.  


Running together is always more fun than running alone!  😍


WALKERS are very welcome.  GET NOTHING 5K is a community event meant for everyone, regardless of pace.  There will be a designated "TURTLE" whose job is to bring up the rear.  So unless YOU volunteer for this vital task, you will never finish last!  


Since you get NOTHING to eat or drink at the finish line - no water, no chewy granola bar, not even a stinkin' banana - why not have a spontaneous social meet-up afterwards?  Go for a beverage, ice cream, or some tacos with your fellow finishers.  You earned it today!  After all you ran 5 kilometers, by gum!  


To participate: register online, check in before the start to get your bib, then wear it on your FRONT.  Timing is done manually, and that's really hard to do if you hide your bib!  There are no timing chips - everything is GUN TIME.  That means the clock starts when the GO command is given, NOT when you cross the start line.  Keep that in mind when comparing official results with your own GPS time, so no complaining later!  Depending on where we run, there may or may not be toilets available nearby... so please mind your own "business" before the start.


Let's get together to RUN, and to have some FUN - see you at the start line!  🏃 🏃‍♀️


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Ancient Roman artifact mementos? Almost! 😆

At the Get Nothing 5K, you famously get NOTHING except the sheer joy of running with friends!  But thanks to some very generous donors at this Get Nothing 5K all participants will actually receive a Roman coin replica as a memento.  THANK YOU, dear donors! ❤️  As always, this GN5K is FREE to enter, so please come join the fun!


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