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GRR Hart Bridge Practice Run Virtual 3 - 6 - or 9 Mile Race
This will be a self timed race event. Further in our registration process you can choose between a 3 Mile (out and back), 6 Mile (2X out and back), or 9 Mile (3X out and back) format.
The Friday before our virtual race, you will receive additional details from our friends at Second Wind Timing. Each registered athlete will receive an email with a unique link to submit both their finish time and 'proof of time'. Proof of time can be a photo or screen shot of your GPS watch or favorite running app showing that you have completed the prescribed distance. You may run your race anytime Saturday or Sunday. All results need to be submitted no later than midnight Sunday. Results will be published the following day for all to see.
Start Time:
7:30am EST
End Time:
9:30am EST
$30.00 Race Fee
+ $2.80 SignUp Fee
Registration ends February 15, 2025 at 11:59pm EST
This is a service fee for processing your race application. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here.
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