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5KnAround Challenge

Sun March 2 - Tue May 6, 2025 Virtually Anytown, FL 33544 US

5Kn Around 5 x 5K Challenge

Recommended 5K Challenges
1. 5 times 5K in 5 hours - Run or walk a 5K every hour on the hour 5 times
2. 5 times 5K in 5 days - Run or walk a 5K every day 5 times (one 5K each day)
3. 5 times 5K in 5 weeks - Run or walk a 5K every week 5 times (one 5K each week)
4. 5 times 5K in 5 circles - Run or walk a 5K in a circle or on a track 5 times anytime during the challenge 
5. 5 times 5K in 5 progressions - Run or walk a 5K in negative splits (each 5K gets faster) 5 times anytime during the challenge
$0.00 Race Fee
Registration ends April 15, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

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