Waterton Wellness Week Virtual 5K
- There’s no fee to register and we have some awesome wellness related prizes planned out for a social media challenge related to our Virtual 5K. Get ready to post the fun on your social pages!
- Keep in mind, you are able to run or walk at your own pace. The focus of our Virtual 5K is having fun while encouraging wellness and virtual team building, rather than being the fastest runner! Posting your results is optional, but always welcome.
- There is a corporate team, community teams and a friends/family team already set up- so simply join your respective team during registration or create your own!
Step 1. Register to run/walk the virtual 5K and join your respective community or corporate team through the registration link provided. You’ll be asked to form a team, join a team, or sign up individually. Encourage your colleagues, friends and family to sign up for a team and let’s get some friendly competition going!
Step 2: Run/walk the distance on your own on a course of your choosing and then submit your time to be added to the results leader board. You can run/walk at any pace, and any day throughout Wellness Week.
Step 3: Post a picture or story of your run to Instagram using #WatertonWellnessWeek and tag @WatertonRealEstate.
Step 4: Have fun!
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.