Run Across Springfield
3.1 miles (5K) is the lowest distance you can complete to finish the series. There are many distances available; each event has different options. Choose your distance when you register for each event.
Your registration today enrolls you in the series but you must register for the Shamrock Shuffle, OneSolePurpose and the Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series events as well.
Your registration today enrolls you in the series but you must register for the Shamrock Shuffle, OneSolePurpose and the Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series events as well.
- #runspringfield Dates:
- Saturday March 18, 2023 - Friday November 17, 2023
- Start Time:
- 7:30am CDT
- End Time:
- 5:00pm CST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
This is a service fee for processing your race application. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here.