5k Timed
This will be a chip timed division. This division is for the competitive runners and awards will be given out. Please make sure you pick up your timing chip on race morning.
- Start Time:
- 9:00am EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
5k Non Timed Run or Walk
This division is for the non competitive runners and social runners. No time, no chip, no bib. Just enjoy the event and thank you for your support.
- Start Time:
- 9:00am EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
Can't make the race/event but want to support the town/cause and receive a t shirt. This is your division.
- Start Time:
- 9:00am EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
This is a service fee for processing your race application. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here.