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Hearts for Autism

Sun April 7, 2019 Las Cruces, NM 88007 US Directions

1 Mile Fun Run

A fun race/walk for all ages and abilities. All children on course must be registered for the event and closely supervised by an adult at all times.

Children in strollers do not need to be registered to participate, but all others on the course must be registered. Sturdy strollers OK but must start in the last race wave. Runners with jogging strollers must start in back. Please NO DOGS and no unregistered pacers allowed.

All registered finishers will receive a custom puzzle-shaped race medal.
Start Time:
8:30am MDT
End Time:
11:00am MDT
Online Registration is Closed

Registration for this event is now closed as this race start time has passed.


Competitive Runners will begin at the start of the chip-timed race. Walkers are encouraged to register and must be able to finish the course in 1 hour. Those still on the course after that time may not receive an official finishing time, be asked to move to the shoulder, or picked up and transported to the finish line for safety reasons.

All children on course must be registered for the event and closely supervised by an adult at all times.

Children in strollers do not need to be registered to participate, but all others on the course must be registered. Sturdy strollers OK but must start in the last race wave. Runners with jogging strollers must start in back. Please NO DOGS and no unregistered pacers allowed.

Medals given out to top 3 male and female runners
Start Time:
8:15am MDT
End Time:
11:00am MDT
Online Registration is Closed

Registration for this event is now closed as this race start time has passed.

1/2 Marathon

**PLEASE NOTE: This is a chip-timed competitive hybrid Trail Race. All registrants should be able to finish the course in under 4 hours for safety reasons. Approximately 1/2 of the course is on dirt, gravel and sandy trails, and the other 1/2 on nicely paved roads. Those still on the course after that time may not receive an official finishing time, be asked to move to the shoulder, or picked up and transported to the finish line for safety reasons.

Runners with jogging strollers must start in back. Please NO DOGS and no unregistered pacers allowed.

All finishers will receive a custom pin.

Rain does not cancel, but may alter the course to avoid the trails, for safety considerations.
Start Time:
8:00am MDT
End Time:
12:00pm MDT
Online Registration is Closed

Registration for this event is now closed as this race start time has passed.

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