AIR GUN - Virtual Challenge
Air Gun is three months, May - July 2021
Two shoots per month on the first and the fifteenth of each month
Sign up by email with Bill Adams at
You will need to agree to and sign the Liability Waiver
Set up your own personal range, indoors or outdoors
Score your own targets using the Orion system if possible
Remember to record scores by category:
Pistol Standing, Pistol Supported, Rifle Standing, Rifle Supported
Report monthly scores to Bill Adams by email to: after each shoot
Scores will be tabulated and posted and sent back to all the shooters via their e-mail on the third and seventeenth of the month.
Results will also be posted at
For questions, please contact Bill Adams at 575-799-7843
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
ARCHERY - Virtual Challenge
Shoot will run three months: May - July 2021
Place a paper cup on each scoring section of your target.
Try to shoot arrow into the paper cup.
If you make it into the cup, count your score. If you do not make it into the cup, your score is zero.
Shoot twice per month from 30 yards, 5 ends.
Post scores on NMSO website by logging in. Put score in the TIME/HOUR box and in comment section.
Targets can be store bought or home made: Use hay bales, multiple layers of cardboard, shoot towards a berm or mound of dirt.
For safety, use an adequate backstop for arrows and shoot in a safe direction.
Don’t forget to warm up before shooting! Check out this website for a short video -
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
BINGO FITNESS - Virtual Challenge
Bingo Activity is three months, May - July 2021
Complete 5 squares in a row to win BINGO – multiple wins are allowed for the month, try to do as many as you can OR complete a FULL CARD – all 25 squares in 30 days – to win a FREE Summer Games Registration for 2022! *One winner per household/limit of first 5 received full card winners per month.
Verification – all squares must be logged and dated on the backside of the card to be valid.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
CYCLING - Virtual Challenge
This VIRTUAL CHALLENGE will run for three months of May thru July 2021
Each month do as much as you can and record your TIME each time you complete a 1 MILE, 5K, or 10K CYCLING session.
BIKE 1 mile
Do a cycling event, as many times as you can each month and enter your time(s) via will tally all the totals each month of the virtual challenge and post results on our website.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
DANCE - Virtual Challenge
Challenge is May, June, and July 2021
Each month do as much as you can and record results
A Dance Resource Virtual Guide is available (see page 2 of Dance Flyer)
All types of dancing are acceptable - Line dance, video dance lesson, create your own routine, group dance virtual dance instructions, aerobic dance, couples dance, etc.
NMSO will schedule a Zoom Dance Fest at the end of the Challenge provided we have 20 Challengers!
MAY - Dance Four Hours (240 minutes)
JUNE - Dance Six hours (360 minutes)
JULY - Dance Ten hours (600 minutes)
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
FITNESS WORKOUT - Virtual Challenge
* Three month challenge: May - July 2021 * Months 2, 3, will add additional exercises as a Challenge, check our website! * Track your time in hours and minutes and post on website * In Comments Section, you can record which exercises you were able to complete.
1. SINGLE LEG STAND - 10 seconds x 4 reps. 3 times per week each month
Improve your balance: Stand next to a chair or table, raise one leg off the floor and bend knee 90 degrees. Don't look at your feet, look straight ahead. Hold for 10 seconds then switch legs. Do this 4 times on each leg. Challenge is to increase 5 seconds each month.
2. STRAIGHT LINE HEEL2TOE - 10 steps x 4 sets. 3 times per week each month
Find or make a straight line on the floor. Step on the line with one foot in front of the other, continue to step placing one foot in front of other foot, touching heel to toe. Do this for 10 steps and challenge yourself to add 5 steps each month. Remember to breathe!
3. FAST WALK MARCH - 10 steps x 4 reps. March 10 seconds 3 times per week each month
Standing flat footed, walk at a fast pace for 10 seconds bringing knee up above the hip. Challenge - 3rd month, get knee to touch chest. 4th month, add 5 steps to each rep.
4. SKIP MARCH - 10 steps x 4 reps, 3 times per week each month
Start slow and steady. On ball of foot, skip with knee as high as you can for 10 steps. Challenge - get knees past your hips in the 2nd month. By the 3rd and 4th month, add 5 steps each rep each month.
5. RUSSIAN TWISTS - 10 reps, 3 times per week each month
Sit on grass, mat, or chair. Lift both feet at least 1 foot from ground and bend knees at 90 degree angle. Hold and twist abs or upper body left to right to work the core. Challenge - add 10 reps each month
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
Throw Weekly: 3 sets of short & long distances (1 set = 4 short distance & 4 long distance)
Women set = 4 throws from 12 feet (short-distance), 4 throws from 18 feet (long-distance)
Men set = 4 throws from 18 feet (short-distance), 4 throws from 24 feet (long-distance)
Points= 1 for short distance, 2 for long distance. The object is to make or hit a designated target.
1st month's target=hit a laundry basket
2nd month's target=make it into a laundry basket
3rd month's target=hit a gallon Jug
Record the three sets per week and report the total score for the month to NMSO.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
GARDENING / YARDWORK - Virtual Challenge
This VIRTUAL CHALLENGE will run for three months of May thru July 2021
Each month do as much as you can and record your TIME each time you spend minutes or hours gardening and/or doing yardwork at home. Tip: Any time used on watering, trimming, mowing, etc is acceptable activities to include in your time spent totals.
Gardening keeps the joints limber, and seniors are more likely to eat healthier when they have fresh produce growing in their backyard. Being active every day helps seniors maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Do a Gardening / Yardwork Activity, as many times as you can each month and enter your time(s) spent on this activity at will tally all the totals each month of the virtual challenge and post times/results on our website.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
HORSESHOES - Virtual Challenge
Pitch 20 shoes per game; 5 games per week
Can be thrown over multiple days in that week.
Pitching Distance:
Women 50-74 = 30Ft
Women 75+ = 20Ft
Men 50-69 = 40Ft
Men 70+ = 30Ft
Non-Ambulatory = 20Ft
Scoring: Each Ringer = 3pts; Each Leaner = 1pt
Submit Total on a Monthly Basis
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
RUNNING - Virtual Challenge
Log your distance, then submit a total for the month - log sheet provided, or just record on a piece of paper or calendar.
Each month do as muc as you can and record results - even if it is less or more than the challenge, the challenge is a goal, not a competition. Training resources - please see the Training resources sheet for a 5K Race training schedule and contact information for athletes you can contact for more information/recommendations.
First Month - Run 12 miles/per month
Second Month - Run 18 miles/per month
Third Month - Run 24 miles/per month
*Virtual 5K Race (details to follow)
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
SOCCER ACCURACY KICK - Virtual Challenge
This VIRTUAL CHALLENGE will run for three months of May thru July 2021
Each month do 60+ kicks at home in your back or front yard, if possible.
MAY = Attempt 60 kicks
JUNE = Attempt 80 kicks
JULY = Attempt 100 kicks
1st, before kicking, please do 5 minutes of stretching to your legs, if possible.
We recommend you use two (homemade) markers to create a 5 foot wide goal. Now, you are ready to kick a sports ball toward the goal (choose your own distance between the ball and the goal). If your ball goes thru both goal markers, that will count as 1 GOAL. Keep track of your total goals made for the month and enter in your results here. Each Month we will post everyone's total score on our NMSO website.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
SWIM - Virtual Challenge
Challenge will run three months: May - July 2021
• Participants will swim 20 laps in one month, or as many as you are able
• Make your own log sheet or use a calendar to keep track of your accomplishments then turn in your results monthly
• Challenge will be to increase the number of laps each month by 10
• For safety, be sure to warm up before and cool down after your swim. Check out this website for suggested warm ups:
• This Challenge is voluntary
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
TRIATHLON - Virtual Challenge
This VIRTUAL CHALLENGE will run for five months of May thru July 2021
Each month do as much as you can and record your TIME each time you complete a triathlon Run, Bike, and/or Swim session.
RUN 1 mile
BIKE 4 miles
SWIM 100 yards
Do 1 or all 3 sections of our triathlon, as many times as you can...NMSO will tally all the times, each month of the virtual challenge.
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
WALKING - Virtual Challenge
MAY – Walk 125 minutes per week (500 min per month)
JUNE – Walk 150 minutes per week (600 minutes per month)
JULY – Walk 175 minutes per week (700 minutes per month)
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.