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Fleet Feet ROC Fall Training 2024

Thu October 10 - Thu December 19 Rochester, NY 14620 US Directions

WalkCrew 5K

WalkCrew 5K - Perfect for those who just want to walk up to a 5K (3.1 miles) distance
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No Boundaries Learn to Run 5K

No Boundaries - Learn To Run 5K - The Learn To Run 5K program is designed to guide you safely and effectively into running, while learning valuable information on healthy living. Perfect for people who don't run at all, have a hard time starting, or are unsure of what to do. This program starts out walking and slowly builds into running, preparing you for a 5K (3.1 mile) race. (no running experience necessary and ability to walk 30 minutes before starting this program)
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No Boundaries 2pt0 Training

No Boundaries 2pt0 - The No Boundaries 2pt0 program is perfect for those who recently ran their first 5K and want to improve, but are not yet ready for longer distances. This program works to improve speed, endurance and performance at the 5K level. (Must be able to run 2-3 miles before starting 2pt0 Training and 15 minute/mile or faster)
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"Just Finish" Half Marathon Training

"Just Finish" Half Marathon Training (HFM) - This is for those who want to simply complete a 13.1 mile distance (Half Marathon). Must be able to run/walk 4 miles straight at 15 minute/mile or faster and able able to run 15 miles/week minimum.
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"Just Faster" Half Marathon Training

"Just Faster" Half Marathon Training (HFM) - This is for those who want to complete a faster 13.1 mile distance (Half Marathon) then they have before. Must be able to run/walk 5 miles straight at 15 minute/mile or faster and able able to run 15 miles/week minimum.
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Virtual WalkCrew 5K

WalkCrew 5K - Perfect for those who just want to walk up to a 5K (3.1 miles) distance
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Virtual No Boundaries Learn to Run 5K

No Boundaries - Learn To Run 5K - The Learn To Run 5K program is designed to guide you safely and effectively into running, while learning valuable information on healthy living. Perfect for people who don't run at all, have a hard time starting, or are unsure of what to do. This program starts out walking and slowly builds into running, preparing you for a 5K (3.1 mile) race. (no running experience necessary and ability to walk 30 minutes before starting this program)
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Online Registration has Ended.

Virtual No Boundaries 2pt0 Training

No Boundaries 2pt0 - The No Boundaries 2pt0 program is perfect for those who recently ran their first 5K and want to improve, but are not yet ready for longer distances. This program works to improve speed, endurance and performance at the 5K level. (Must be able to run 2-3 miles before starting 2pt0 Training)
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Online Registration has Ended.

Virtual "Just Finish" Half Marathon Training

"Just Finish" Half Marathon Training (HFM) - This is for those who want to simply complete a 13.1 mile distance (Half Marathon). Must be able to run/walk 4 miles straight and able able to run 15 miles/week minimum.
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Virtual "Just Faster" Half Marathon Training

"Just Faster" Half Marathon Training (HFM) - This is for those who want to complete a faster 13.1 mile distance (Half Marathon) then they have before. Must be able to run/walk 5 miles straight and able able to run 15 miles/week minimum.
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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