10th Annual Tinsel Trot 5k Fun Run
- Start Time:
- 10:00am EST
- End Time:
- 12:00pm EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
10th Annual Tinsel Trot 5k Walk
- Start Time:
- 10:00am EST
- End Time:
- 12:00pm EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
Reindeer Dash Kids Run
Free race for kids 10 and under! Adult supervision required! Race begins near the 5k 3 mile mark and ends at the 5k finish line!
- Start Time:
- 9:30am EST
- End Time:
- 9:50am EST
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
This is a service fee for processing your race application. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here.