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Mission of Love First Annual 5k- Run for the LOVE of it!

Sun May 19, 2013 Austintown, OH 44515 US Directions

Mission of Love 5k- Walk/Run for the LOVE of it!

Time: 5k Run begins at 2:00 PM; Registration begins at 1:00 PM

Course and Location: Registration is at the 9/11 Memorial on Raccoon Road in Austintown. The course begins and ends at Austintown Middle School, running through the Austintown school campus and surrounding residential area. Awards and afterparty will be held at Barry Dyngles, 1601 South Raccoon Road, Austintown. A portion of afterparty proceeds will benefit Mission of Love.

Registration Fees: $20 if paid by May 1. After May 1 and including race day, registration is $25. Pre-registered (by May 1) runners are guaranteed a t-shirt.

Awards: Awards will be given to the top 3 overall male and female finishers. Awards will also be presented to the top three finishers in each of the following age groups:

Men: <13/ 14-17/ 18-24/ 25-30/ 31-36/ 37-42/ 43-48/ 48-54/ 55-59/ 60-65/ 66+
Women: <13/ 14-17/ 18-24/ 25-30/ 31-36/ 37-42/ 43-48/ 55-59/ 60+

All runners who attend the afterparty are entered to win a
catered party by Barry Dyngles worth $500! Sponsor prizes will also be drawn.
Start Time:
2:00pm EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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