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Terra Green Race

Tue February 1 - Sat December 31 Cincinnati, OH 45223 US

Family with Kids 1/2 Marathon Walk/Run

Take your time and enjoy this family bonding challenge. Once completed show your pride in finishing and share with the community. You've not only done something healthy together but something healthy for the world!
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Sibling 5k Walk/Run

Take your time and enjoy your siblinghood! Once completed show your pride in finishing and share with the community. Great bonding time and investing in the future of our planet! Each sibling is a separate registration.
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Pet 5k Walk/Run

Celebrate with your pet and enjoy your day outdoors while doing something good for the planet.
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Rave Glow Night 5k Walk/Run/Dance

With a small group of friends light up the night with your spirit to change the world.
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Rowing 2000 Meters

Build a team row for the future.
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Marathon Walk/Run

Your Time, Your Pace, Your space!
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5k Walk/Run

Your Time, Your Pace, Your space!
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